Walmart’s Great Value Apple Juice Recalled Due to Arsenic Concerns: What Shoppers Need to Know

Walmart's Great Value Apple Juice Recalled Due to Arsenic Concerns

Suppose you obtain your apple juice from the Walmart supermarket. If so, you may need to concern yourself with the brand of your bottle before you take your drink.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reported that a voluntary recall has been conducted on 9,535 of the eight-ounce Great Value Apple Juice that is sold in Walmart stores in six-pack PET plastic bottles with the Universal Product Code (UPC) 0-78742-29655-5. Recall number F-1746-2024 was released on Aug. 15 by the federal agency, in which they made a statement pointing out that apple juice contains inorganic arsenic above the set action level in the industry.

Then, on August 23, a recall notice was given and a Class II recall was issued, which is, according to the FDA, a situation whereby a product poses a low risk of permanently or irreversible aftereffects and the probability that serious ill effects would occur is low. ”

In their perspective, the FDA states that “current research evidence suggests that inorganic arsenic is more toxic than organic arsenic.” According to the federal agency, long-term exposure to inorganic arsenic in adults has been linked to skin changes and elevated risks of skin, bladder , and lung cancers and cardiovascular diseases.

The FDA explains that short-term exposure to inorganic arsenic is a reason for nausea or vomiting, skin discoloration, hemorrhage or hyperesthesia such as numbness or pain in the hands, feet or limbs.

Below are some important things that you should know regarding the Great Value Apple Juice Recall.

What is the difference between organic arsenic and inorganic arsenic?

Inorganic arsenic is classified as a human carcinogen, that is, a substance that can cause cancer and is a chemical contaminant in drinking water worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

The intergovernmental organization has stated that the inorganic arsenic compounds that are generally detected in water are quite dangerous. Nonetheless, those present in seafood, which are called organic arsenic compounds, are less toxic.

Which company is associated with the Great Value Apple Juice recall?

Which company is associated with the Great Value Apple Juice recall?

Based on the report from the FDA, the company that issued the recall is Refresco Beverages US Inc., which is located in Tampa, FL.

What is the best if used by date of the juice?

The Great Value Apple Juice, most of which is described as being suitable for consumption before the date stated in the recall, which is December 28, 2024,.

What states are affected by the recall?

In the recall, the Great Value Apple Juice was listed as being sold in the following states and regions:

Sold in Walmart StoresStates/Regions
No1. Alaska
2. Oregon
3. California
4. Washington
5. Idaho
6. Nevada
7. Arizona
8. New Mexico
9. Texas
10. Hawaii
11. Montana
12. Wyoming
13. Colorado
14. Utah
15. Oklahoma
16. North Dakota
17. South Dakota
18. Nebraska
19. Kansas
20. Louisiana
21. Minnesota
22. Iowa
23. Missouri
24. Arkansas
25. Wisconsin
Yes1. Illinois
2. Kentucky
3. Tennessee
4. Mississippi
5. Indiana
6. West Virginia
7. Virginia
8. Alabama
9. Georgia
10. Florida
11. Puerto Rico
12. Michigan
13. Ohio
14. Maryland
15. North Carolina
16. South Carolina
17. Pennsylvania
18. Delaware
19. New York
20. New Jersey
21. Vermont
22. Massachusetts
23. Connecticut
24. District of Columbia
25. New Hampshire
26. Rhode Island
27. Maine


Q. Why is Walmart recalling apple juice?

A. Walmart has recently pulled from its stores across the United States nearly 10,000 cases of apple juice that contain a significant amount of inorganic arsenic.

Q. Why is there arsenic in apple juice?

A. Apples, pears and grapes—some of them take in a certain amount of arsenic that may come from the water or soil or from previous usage of pesticides. Apple, pear and grape juice may contain low amounts of arsenic because it is found in the fruit.

Q. Is apple juice recalled?

A. The products involved are the ‘Great Value’ brand 8-ounce Apple Juice trucked in PET plastic bottles packaged in six packs, said the FDA. The products in question were issued with the UPCI code 0-78742-29655-5 and the specific ‘best if used by,’ stamp on December 28, 2024.

Q. What is arsenic used for?

A. It is also used in various industries, such as as an alloying agent for metals, in metallurgical and glass works, pigments, textiles, paper, metal adhesives, wood preservatives for poisonous materials, mage, and as an explosive bullet to load ammunition. It is also used in time tanning and, in somewhat lesser quantities, in pesticides, feed supplements and drugs.

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